
Imagination and Identity

July 12, 2010

From early childhood, consciousness is learned to imagine itself as a judgeable object. Through describing consciousness, the subject is made into an image. Through belief descriptions solidify into a collection of impressions and convictions. Out of that the psychological self-image arises.

This way of imagining is a habit, used to ponder on functioning and value. An imaginary identity entitled 'I' evolves. This illusory person moves along a time-line and concentrates on becoming better, on positive development.

The tone of the objectified subject is fearful: being seems dependant on circumstances and time. Rest has to come in the future… when the goal is reached and nobody dismantles the I-phantom. The self-image is governed by (fear of losing) convictions.

The I-form is completely built on conclusions from the past, making emotions always indirect and second-hand. A perception is divided into parts that are known in the archive and have meanings which belong to the impressions of the past.

The I projects these meanings onto what it looks at and sees re-activated memories: habit keeps the sense of being imprisoned in concepts. This is the hypnoses in which many people suffer… an imagined hypnosis, ruled by misconception (ill-used imagination and dead meaning).

Awakening is the insight that identity is an illusion. Consciousness can never be described… it has no boundaries and is formless the one Life which is always Now. Truthful realisation of Being Now changes imagination back into the authentic ease and sparkle of timeless, innocent openness.

Imagination had to serve the ego, because being identified with an imagined self. Imagining was ascribed to an i-form, an entity with its own separate consciousness. Consciousness is not some thing, but the one individable Nothingness, from which everything is built and animated.

Consciousness appears as body or form. Innocence knows no distinction, but is quickly lured into describing. The idea of separateness evolves from naming. Grace is an unexpected and purifying sense of Oneness and an awakening from the dream of separateness… being realizes Truth.

Imagination is recognized as the Light, where earlier It was considered a commodity in service of the ego. Ccontraction of imagined shortcomings is seen through as fear of death of the separate self. Ego relaxes and gets a tone of trust and compassion… inner and outer turn out to be One.

healingsite   1993 - 2024