Books like I Am That by Shri Nisargadatta, and Talks with Shri Ramana Maharshi were like a flow of recognition and confirmation. They spoke clearly about subjects that were covered with confusion for a long time.
It was deeply touching to be spoken to directly, to an inner sense of Truth. The confusion fell away in waves of deep feelings of gratitude.
Below is a list of documents which you can download freely. The collection is updated regularly, so check every now and then to see if there's something new for you.
Notes on Spiritual Discourses, by Nitya Tripta, 1950 - 1959
I Am That - 1973 Talks with Nisargadatta Maharaj
Meditations - March 1979
The Poor Man - Sermon 87
Three Poems on Realization
The Rabbit in the Hat, Yoga and Vedanta, June 1976
Awareness and Experience
Poems - Translated by R. Tagore
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