


Centred in awareness, you contain everything. In the middle of things, you are One with All.

Awareness is untouched by appearances. Truly free, in surrender to the cycles of the Universal Earth, is the sense of being that sees One everywhere it looks. Bodies move… consciousness is aware of the Stillness in which everything happens. Motion is relative to consciousness in Thát.

Swallow is the gladness of recognizing relative movement as the One Enchanter in the play of the many. This Love in action draws you back to the inner one Source, from where self arises.

Notions are temporary. They will either point to Truth (Awareness), or try to lure you into falsehood (ego). The shadow-self is trained to buy into un-truth to get approval. Unmoving the one Self carries All, feeding consciousness as the one Mother, inspiring it as the one Father.