


The simplicity of your playfulness touches the child with-in and melts the seriousness with-out, restoring faith and trust.

We are brought up to create a personality according to the models we impose on each other. Just above the Silence, between Being and behavior, a contracted I-image causes alienation. The sense of being obeys distorted notions of true nature and acts from the conditioned mind.

Belief in gathered, poorly interpreted experiences creates distance. These false notions must be protected and defended. Innocence is primal activeness… Love from the undividable Source, or selfless Awareness. It recognizes Itself (the one Self) in the appearance and wants to play.

In order to come home the Soul surrenders to what can not be known by faculties. Faith in Truth is the guide, bringing the Soul to its inner sanctuary where the Unspeakable dwells. The clothing of the ego is dismantled in loving, playful Oneness, so it can serve the Source.