Opossum - Diversion



You really know how to trick the mind… in believing something that is not.

The mind learns the art of diversion very quickly. In case of danger sophisticated strategies are applied. The most dramatic is pretending to be dead. When circumstances seem too much, or shock (intimidation) happens, psychological sedation (assumed indifference) is evoked.

Survival often is the habit that evolved on unrecognized numbness. Self-justifications, ranging from always saying no to being afraid to say no, feed on that. Ego-pretence hides seeming invulnerability or victimhood. Denial became a separate self, afraid of love.

This habit of separate thinking is very stubborn. For thousands of years the collective has been drilled to think in terms of identity, borders, country, domain, tribe, race, tradition, religion. History has never been without war. This inherited, imposed war ends in the realization: I am Life-Light-Love.*
In This all notions of boundary, fear, separation and possession dissolve.

The ego usually is dominated by fear, from which defense is applied. Awareness has no need for protection, because It is that Truth that Is (before all).
