


Freedom is within you, without inhibitions, ever carrying all as Primal Truth.

Realizing its nature of untouched awareness, the sense of being unravels itself from biological, social, worldly and spiritual conditioning. Divine infinite Awareness envelopes time and space.

In Great Spirit is no difference between body, spirit and being. You will realize it, once you follow the yearning to be free to its root. You will come face to face with the one Source and see Self. The divine longing will take you there, when you recognize this need to be Home and allow it.

Freedom usually means life, according to the demands and expectations of the ego. Life is what is always whole, here, now. Instead of obeying patterns of the ego, you give in to the Yearning and realize that you are the Freedom that cannot be lost, gained or reached…

Eagle symbolizes primal Freedom which is firmly rooted in the physical. True being has accepted the lessons and is present as impersonal Awareness.