

Inner Peace

In Silence there is Seeing and Knowing. It rises as Presence where Being is Being without knowing it.

During hibernation, Bear is sleeping in the one Silence. The sense of being allows itself to rest in transpersonal awareness. There knowing is the Stillness of Emptiness, dissolving the mind.

Awareness of Emptiness keeps waking from being a state of hypnoses or sleepwalking. Mind must be directed inward, to be aware of the habit of looking outward for success and peace.

For ages mind has been engaged in a search for status and success in the relative world of forms. It was deluded into believing that certain actions would bring about happiness. The result is a never ending stream of doubts and fears, keeping the mind in constant activity.

Bear is the ability to go within and be the one Truth. It is your true nature of silent Love, form where living in the world is joyful, without creation, destruction, birth or death. This one unalloyed Silence is where sleeping, dreaming and waking takes place. Silence is un-ponderable and un-imaginable.